Answers by Engineers is provided for all members of the engineering and geosciences professions, as well as industry professionals working with engineers and geoscientists, to ask and answer questions and establish appropriate connections to aid in their projects, help with their professional development, or to simply further their knowledge.

One of our top goals is to increase the quality of services being provided to the public by engineers and geoscientists. We are building a strong community of pre-vetted participants to achieve this goal. Therefore, we encourage members to use Answers by Engineers to seek advice from experienced colleagues, and if needed, be able to connect with suitable members for their projects.

In preserving the quality and professionalism of Answers by Engineers, access is limited to only engineers and geoscientists, industry professionals working with engineers and geoscientists, and only senior engineering, geoscientist, and technologist students of accredited post-secondary institutions.

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If you feel this website is something useful for you, you are more than welcome to sign up. We will review and if appropriate approve your account.